Wednesday, November 24, 2010

"Hello Song"

Click here to watch Miss Ami sing the "Hello Song"...

This song was written as a greeting. It is sung at the beginning of every session. The repetitive lyrics and rhythmic melody allow for it to be easily learned, thus providing the young musician with confidence! 
Activity Idea: have your child pretend they're on stage waving to the audience.


Welcome to my Blog!

Hello! Thank you for visiting my musical blog!

This blog is intended to be used as a tool for parents to educate their preschool age children musically. Not only will they learn, they will be thoroughly entertained by watching the videos provided. 

Exposing your children to music does not require expensive music lessons or training. In fact, most young children find music lessons to be boring, thus creating an adverse effect. By simply allowing your children to listen, explore and freely participate you will give them the gift of music. 

The goal of my musical pedagogy is to provide on outlet for musical exploration that is inspiring, engaging and educational all while being fun!